Magswitch Woodworking Starter Kit - 8110134

Magswitch Woodworking Starter Kit - 8110134 - Mag-Tools Europe
Magswitch Woodworking Starter Kit - 8110134 - Mag-Tools Europe
Magswitch Woodworking Starter Kit - 8110134 - Mag-Tools Europe
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Magswitch Woodworking Starter Kit - 8110134

5 Reviews
Regular price
€90,67 each
Sale price
€90,67 each
Vat : ( €17,23 each / Total: €107,90 each )
(19 % Vat applicable for European Country )
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Versatile woodworking tool set that allows you to remove the MagJigs and attach them to other fixtures. Allows for a fast and strong set up anywhere on a steel table or cast iron fence. The starter set includes the Reversible Featherboard Attachment, the Universal Mounting Base, and (2) MagJig 150's!


  • Fast, strong set up anywhere on a steel table or cast Iron fence. Not limited by the miter slot.  
  • Featherboard is reversible for left and right-hand feeds.  
  • Accommodates the Vertical Featherboard Attachment for an added dimension of safety and protection against kickbacks.
  • Low profile design for use on your smallest tables. 


  • Product Weight: 0.77 kg / 1.7 lbs
  • Dimensions: 215.9 x 160 x 53.5 kg / 8.5 x 6.3 x 2.1 in

Product price in EUR is exclusive of VAT. Currency conversion is based on market rate.

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