Magswitch Pivot Angle 200 - 8100367

Magswitch Pivot Angle 200 - 8100367
Magswitch Pivot Angle 200 - 8100367 - Mag-Tools Europe
Magswitch Pivot Angle 200 - 8100367 - Mag-Tools Europe
Magswitch Pivot Angle 200 - 8100367 - Mag-Tools Europe
Magswitch Pivot Angle 200 - 8100367 - Mag-Tools Europe
Magswitch Pivot Angle 200 - 8100367 - Mag-Tools Europe
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Magswitch Pivot Angle 200 - 8100367

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Regular price
€208,32 each
Sale price
€208,32 each
Vat : ( €39,58 each / Total: €247,90 each )
(19 % Vat applicable for European Country )
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Magswitch Pivot Angle 200 offers a range of angles from 28 degrees to 270 degrees. Switch on and off 97.5 kilograms of magnetic holding force by rotating the black knobs. Two sides of the tool magnetize when turned on and can be secured to a table or wall to hold a fixture in place.


  • Magnetic field turns completely on and off mechanically.
  • Does not use an electrical power source.
  • Magnets stay clean.
  • Holds flat and round surfaces of steel.
  • Single lock at the elbow to secure your angle.
  • Dial on elbow has indicators every 5 degrees.
  • Rapid adjustments for odd angles


  • Max Breakway: 97.5 kg / 215 lbs on 0.18 in steel plate thickness
  • 2:1 Shear Working Load: 21.7 kg / 48 lbs
  • Full Saturation Thickness: 4.7 mm / 0.18 in
  • Product Weight: 0.8 kg / 1.8 lbs
  • Dimensions: 231.1 x 99 x 162.5 mm / 9.1 x 3.9 x 6.4 in
  • Magnetic Pole Footprint: 41.25 mm x 56 mm


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